These are cabs that install
Vista like folders on your PPC found this on XDA and SASHIMI site by 12aon
"I named the folder 1 to 18, so everybody can decide for themselves which folder to to use for what purpose.
Since I use quickcab to create my cabs, which doesn't allow me put in the folder files, it's been split in two. A Vista which contains the Vista Icons.dll. Install this one in \Windows. The other one is a zip file which contains the Folder folder, with inside (who would have guessed...) the folders. Just copy them to your device (although I don't think copying them to the storage card works) and voila some more folders to up our devices. So, screenshots: " (
I hope you like them, and no I have not got any other folders (these are all vista offers)
Edit: I managed to create a .cab file that installs these into \Windows\Start Menu\Programs. For those that don't have a English/WWE ROM I'll make another one that installs the folders into \Folder folder.
Edit 2: I updated the Vista folders, as Skizzo pointed out I left some files in the .dll files that made it unnecessarily big.
There is one icon set that is very dear to me
, which is the Buuf icon set by Manhattan. Of this set I have selected a couple of folder icons most likely to be used in a ppc environment. This guy (or girl) created over 1500 icons in this style which you can find on DeviantArt. These are my default folder icons, so I thought I'd share. Screen shots!: (
Download the 12aon Vista here (
Download the 12aon Buuf here (
the links are good but I attached the CABs as well...I did a search and didnt see this posted.