I have an ITrek Z1 with iGuidance and a Sedio G4600T windshield mount. The mount has sterio output and it's own internal speaker or you can do what I do and hook it into your cassete deck with one of those $6 "play it through your stero" adapters. I play music off the phone while using the GPS and yes it does talk and is incredibly accurate and I couldn't live with out it anymore. The windshiled mount lets you slide out the keyboard while mounted but does NOT let you use the sedio rubberized case which is annoying since after all they are both sedio products.
I purchased a "bundle" package from semsons and got a pretty decent markdown. I just checked and you can pick up a bundle for about $140 with the ITrek Z1/iGuidance/Free Mount for $139. You can "upgrade" the mount as well and a cup holder one appears to be an extra $10...the sedio mount is MUCH more expense, and although I really like it, I probably would opt for a cheaper one if I had it all to do over again.
Oh....you can turn the "talking" off it you don't like it, put it really is usefull and not that annoying at all....especially if you miss a turn or something!