Seems to be a WM standard "feature"
Edited 9/10/07
Well, I decided to delete my post, and replace it with updated information.
after sufferring from this problem with multiple ROM Versions and Multiple applications on the phone, I decided to try one last ditch effort to see if it was Windows Mobile, or any of the applications I was running.
My phone would lock up randomly while in my pocket in Standby mode. Some days it did not lock up at all, other days, it would lock up three or four times throughout the day / night. When I'd try to turn the phone back on, it would be completely locked. The Service light would be blinking green, but the phone would not respond to any key presses, or the opening of the keyboard. It would not wake up or ring for incoming calls. Only a soft-reset would bring it back.
Last Friday, after the fourth lockup, I soft-reset the phone, only to find it would not go past the splash screen. After multiple attempts, I ended up having to do a HARD Reset and loose everything.
I didn't bother installing any applications becasue I was convinced I was DONE with Windows Mobile. I spent the day on ebay searching for a Treo to replace the 6700. I loved the 6700, but I need a reliable phone that will not lock up and make me loose calls.
The phone ran flawlessly over the weekend and has not locked up once. It appears that one of the applications I am running on the phone may have been causing the lockups.
After running reliably all weekend, I decided to start installing application one by one to see what happens. I am starting with applications that do not run all of the time (other than my work emaiul sync). So Far, I have installed the folllowing applications with no ill effects, the phone has been stable, and not required a soft reset:
Intellisynk (Groupwise Mobile Sync) - Needed to run work email
Google Maps
Ewallet Pro
If the phone continues to run reliably, I am planning the install the following apps in the next few days (waiting a few days between to judge stability):
Resco Pocket Radio
The following applications were installed before, but I'm not sure I'm even going to try to install again:
Potala MyTime (Calendar replacement)
Today Agenda (today Screen Plugin for appointments and tasks)
Today Panel Pro (today Screen plugin for batt & Memory Levels)
SPB Phone Suite (Phone enhancements including sound profiles and SMS reply for missed calls)
The other thing I decided not to run is the HTC Home Plugin. Trying to keep the phone doing as little as possible while it is in standby.
Seems to be working so far.... :fingers Crossed:
Last edited by sofladavid; 09-10-2007 at 03:49 PM.