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Old 04-05-2009, 03:18 AM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Originally Posted by oldman View Post
As others have stated, you're connected to the data network. Whether it 1x (slow) or EVDO (fast) is beyond your control. You can tell which you're connected to by looking at the top task bar. I'm not sure which icons Scot put up there, but typically, if you were connected to the EVDO network, you'd see EV in a box up there. As I mentioned above, there are newer, "prettier" icons so I really don't know what you'll see. If you're at home, with a wireless network, you can go to COMM Manager and turn WiFi On and it will connect that way.

In regards to GPS, do the !!!BORED!!! FIX FIRST, then under Phone/settings, make sure that the location is turned on. To get google maps to work, in Settings, under External GPS, for Programs, set it to COM4 then go to Google Maps and also set it for COM 4. If you're not familar with GPS, sometimes it does take a while to get the "first" fix. Make sure you're near a window or outside when you first try it. It makes it easier, and you're sure you have a GPS signal.


I've applied the bored fix but still can't seem to get a GPS lock via google maps. I've manually set google maps at "COM4" 4800. Google returns the message "No GPS receiver was found."

Under phone settings, location was turned off, so I had to turn it on. Otherwise all other setting were properly applied. Anybody experience the same issue?