Originally Posted by TheRatedR
guys do not tether your devices. It will charge you $30/mb because its Pay Per Use on data . Do it if you really need to. I am in the DNA dept and i know all about the data inquiries. I just dont want you guys to inquire 3 mb for 90 bucks or maybe 100mb for $3000. I see this all the time I'm just warning you now. Also i think the 8/ mb is just for us roaming.
I have been dealing with telus for years now and 8$/mb for data within the network as well. As for the tethering, well, obviously you haven't done your research that well. PDAnet overrides the protocol that tells the telus servers that tethering is being done and if you check the data usage between your desktop and your HTC phone, the numbers are almost exactly the same. I have been doing for a while with no charges on my account! WMWiFiRouter does a good job as well, but, PDAnet is a lot more user friendly!