Re: |.March 1st, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 6.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.|
I know my questions a couple of pages back were most likely stupid to you 37it3 ppc geeks but I am a n00b to the ppc world and the simplest of answers would have been cool. All I would like is a solid answer like "Yeah, it's bricked" or even "You are a moron. Read up before doing any flashing" know...?
I guess I am too retarded for you guys and therefore not worth your time...
Thanks again for putting up a load of posts about something as insignificant as battery drainage(buy a second battery!) and not even pissing my way.
Last edited by HateMan01; 03-11-2009 at 03:54 AM.