Originally Posted by rileyd5
thanks by they way, been running this release since it came out. today I am still at 50% battery after taking off the charger around 8am. not bad at all and on par or better than any rom I have tried! That's with moderate usage (several data sessions, 3 soft resets, couple short calls, youtube player usage, mdigger downloads, active sync set to 30 minute sync from 9 till 5, then "as items arrive since. outstanding and really improved from past releases.
edit: hooray. success on the opera problem. I somehow was able to get the taskmanager running, made sure all opera processes were not running, then reinstalled the cab. worked. only problem is I'm down to 7mb storage, ouch 
The battery life was a major concern when I first got this puppy, it drained so quickly. I think it's maximized for this device now. The only other improvement would be to remove the thing and not have any fun with my expensive toy... And 7mb of storage...thats when things start to crawl...
Originally Posted by Saturn2888
Good job so far. On the colors, whatever would match the theme you're gonna have in there. Kinda odd to have a volume color out of the ordinary. Guess it doesn't matter that much though.
So did you like the idea of a patching ROM so people could keep up w/ it w/o losing everything?
Also, I'm having trouble keeping up w/ this thread it goes so fast, but I'll try my best!
I think the orange dots upgrade was one of the first things I did to my diamond cause I thought they were cool, I didn't care about colours either...
Patching the rom would be cool, but...
Originally Posted by tsowen
...Also my 30 days was up for WIN CE Cab maker so I have to purchase the software which runs around $98.00 (please don't offer me hacks either if you knew my profession you would understand why). Doing all of this is pricy for all the software involved, cab maker, adobe photoshop, pe explorer and so forth...
I do this as a hobby and that wasn't in my stocking this year...