Re: Data Not Working. M.IP Defult NAI Not keeping its change
What is
To fix the problem you have to edit the nvm files directly, don't use qpst
New (Convert your 700p into 755p)
Creator of Treo 700p CDMA ESN&PRL repair without Bitpim/QPST/checksums. Only USB cable needed (Tested on 650/755p successfully by others), Rewritten by Kshah
(Shadowmite's serial cable becomes obsolete..) Also progress by beezlewaxin with 600/Centro
Looking for bricked/stuck in bootloader Treo CDMA 700p/700w/700wx/755p/Centro for research, to create solutions for ie: using WM6 on 700p or vice versa, un/debricking.
(no PM pls)