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Old 02-27-2009, 04:58 PM
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Anyone using Wherigo?

Ok, so I found this free app called Wherigo ( It looks like a pretty cool way to make a game out of your GPS. Supposedly the Palm Treo 800w meets all the requirements (and supposedly it has been tested on the Treo 700w). However, when I run this it doesn't seem to have found my GPS device (yes I do have it on and not in 911 mode), and I confirmed my GPS is working as my other GPS apps all work. I am also not trying to run a different GPS app at the same time.

The error it gives is:

An Error occured trying to start the GPS device. No GPS device could be found matching the requested "NMEA-0183" protocol. Please check to make sure PGS devices are powered on and paired via the Bluetooth Manager.

Then it asks me if I want to configure my GPS device. If I choose yes, it gives me the following options:

Auto Detect GPS (which is selected currently)
A drop down list for the Comm Port (listing options of COM0 - COM9)

I am assuming that the 800w's GPS is too fancy. Is anyone using this app? If not does anyone know the standard com port for the GPS?

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