Originally Posted by scrosler
you guys call this easier than just using UC or manually installing??????
If I am going to go through the hassle of pulling reg keys I will OEM that ***** before I do all this!!!!
Haha... try doing it for 50+ apps that change monthly... reg keys change with added features (as you know) so an OEM becomes a hassle as it's static and needs to be updated, even w/OEMizer. And I have to dump the OEM into a folder anyway, just a kitchen folder.
Much easier to use a program like RegSnap, get the difference .reg dump between snaps (it does this quite easily/accurately) and dump that into the folder. I use this method for all my installs and customizations.
I look at Sashimi as a "post flash" kitchen, or Japanese RAW bar <G>
Not so hard after all