Re: Video Call?
Well.. All this is well and good, but not quite helpful. First, I'm well aware of the various versions. I have the individualized specs for all of them in terms of hardware and capability bookmarked. None of them mention the 2nd camera in hardware, but all release info talks about the capacity, as in the phone's ability in itself, to handle video calls with a 2nd camera. I'm not asking if sprint will support it.
I wasn't aware of the channel issue, so I guess that takes care of video calls, but in programs such as skype (though not skype specifically, despite someone's link I can confirm that mobile skype does not do video), is this camera even intact and usable, or is it completely stripped out? That's the question. Does the camera remain intact and functional for any intrepid user to figure out how to activate it, or is it a nonfactor?