Ok the m-1000 is just a gps bluetooth receiver all it does is send gps information through bluetooth to the phone. You then need a program to read this information correctly such as TomTom or iGuidance.
TomTom will tell you what way to turn and how far verbally as well as show the map and arrows on screen just like the stand alone TomToms.
iGuidance will do the same but will also say the street name as long as you have v4.0. But it still doesn't look as good as TomTom

. But there maps seem more updated with more poi's to me.
Both programs will make a impact as there is a huge map to render along with the real time gps information its being feed from the m-1000. You will notice it chug along if you for instance go out to do a text and let the program run in the background. Its not horrible but it is noticeable.
As far as the chip set it uses the latest MTK instead of SiRFstarIII. I found a good little review along with some test showing the m-1000 compared to a SiRFstarIII device.
gpspassionDOTcom/forumsen/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=86200 Please fix the DOT to a . since I cannot post links as of yet.
Thats a good place to read up on gps devices and even how to mod them!