Was it attached to USB when you soft-reset, and have you hard-reset after flashing the rom?
Silly questions, but reseting while attached to USB is listed in the 1.04 bugs thread as giving that result. I also know that not hard-reseting will do the same thing.
Other than that, I could suggest a hard-reset then modify/install one thing at a time and soft-reset inbetween to pinpoint the problem.
Changing the registry key...
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:M SCONTACTS]
From "\\Windows\\pocketcm.exe" to ":MSPOUTLOOK contacts" (No Quotes) will set everything back to the old default contact manager after a soft-reset.
Edit: For future releases (most likely not til next kitchen) I've created a couple reg files and I'll add links in the start menu for switching back and forth between the contact managers more easily.