Originally Posted by skrump
Thanks pdub and swade for the tips, I'm going to give it a try. I got fairly far along until I hit the brick wall of being unable to modify the Omnia's original sound files. Being a cheap bastard, I really don't want to have to buy Resco Explorer just to do that one quick fix to correct a problem that Samsung never should have created in the first place. I've got that free mobile registry editor for my phone, don't know if it operates in the same way as Resco, I'll start with that, then move to a trial of Resco if need be...
Resco has a free 15 day trial if that other one doesn't work...so you don't have to feel "cheap" lets just say since VZW is sapping all of our spare cash we just don't have any cash left for good programs such as Resco, and Sbp...!!!