Originally Posted by fat boy
This is a bug with the manila files you are using. There are two manila files the control that graphic, you have one wide and one narrow. You need to get your sizes the same. I go over this at XDA, you should probably read the last couple hundred posts at XDA for some of the things you want to do. Both the wide and the narrow manila files are there. The bottom line is that some of the field sizes are narrow and some are wide so you just have to pick one or the other. I like the narrow myself and asked XBoxmod to make the changes to the apropriate tabs but I don't expect this soon.....if at all.
I understand that i can resize the graphics that i am using in the manila, but wont this affect the other places that the same image is used to highlight something?
For example, the highlights on the call history tab are just a little bit too small, the ones in the settings tab and the all programs list are a little bit too big.
Also, there is no highlight for the internet icon...
--And, are you saying that i am messing these up when i edit the files??? Are these errors not on anyone elses phone with the stock grey highlights? I dont see how that could be, because all ive done is change the coloring. Not the sizes of the images.--