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Old 02-13-2009, 09:02 AM
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Re: Iolite/Manila 2d OEMs

Originally Posted by EtrnlWolf View Post
Well, I see nothing in the RGU that seems to fit that....

here's the RGU:

"Face"="HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman"
"HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman"="\\windows\\tahoma.ttf,Tahoma;\\Windows\\mingliu.ac3,MingLiU;\\Windows\\msgothic.ac3,MS Gothic;\\Windows\\simsun.ac3,SimSun"
"HelveticaNeue LT 35 Thin"="\\windows\\tahoma.ttf,Tahoma;\\Windows\\mingliu.ac3,MingLiU;\\Windows\\msgothic.ac3,MS Gothic;\\Windows\\simsun.ac3,SimSun"
I've never had to change the weather file so I'm not too sure what is required to fix it.

I can redo the OEM without the weather icons changed if ya want though.
Well I didn't see anything wrong with this RGU??? The problems I had were with the audio manager, youtube, and the streeming media player, so must be a different problem? Sorry about that. Because what I did was make cabs out of the different programs and found issues with them and corrected them then made one big OEM and still have not been able to get it to work myself yet. Oh, and I have a working version of TOMTOM if your interested you will need to pm me to get it, I could not get it to work with the footprints tab though.
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