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Old 02-11-2009, 04:02 PM
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Re: HTC Footprints CAB for Diamond!Updated Feb 5th! Google Maps/Tomtom

Originally Posted by hamidxa View Post
Yeah, it makes perfect sense and that's exactly what I was thinking as well.

I guess I was hoping that someone else has already come across this problem before and resolved the issue of where TomTom accesses it's pictures from during the times when its not communicating (i.e. receiving pics) directly with Footprints.

Guess I'll have to poke around and see if I can find out what the default paths are for TomTom's pic directory and see if I can somehow redirect it to obtain the images from Footprints dir.

Also, as for TomTom, it doesn't have a built in camera app, at least not one that Im aware of.
Another thing to remember is that Footprints stores it's coordinates within a separate DB file rather then within the pictures header. So even if you are able to direct TomTom to where the Footprint pictures are located, it may not be able to obtain the coordinates because they aren't part of the picture.

Kinda depends on how TomTom (or others) stores the coordinates. My opinion, they should be stored within the header portion of the image so that you can send the picture to someone and they could also have the coordinates of the pictures location.
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