Originally Posted by BenC
Issues? Those above are not too bad. Issues: Bluetooth disconnecting several times a day. Network disconnects several times a day. Bluetooth volume starting at 1/2 setting with all headset calls. Two devices exchanged due to defective key board. Those are issues.
Originally Posted by BenC
I am posting about the 800W, that is why I am posting here.
I just wanted to make sure because it says you're using a Touch Pro. Bluetooth is a finiky technology that depends heavily on the devices being used. I've had headsets that would pair very quickly and easily and I've had other that gave me so many problems I had to return them. My 800w connects with my laptop just fine and has never disconnected itself.
I don't think you can blame the device for network disconnects. You either have shoddy coverage or its the network. I've got the best reception I've ever had with the 800w. Those two problems seem relative to
your device and not with 800w's in general. The bluetooth volume most certainly is a problem with the device in general because of the patch they released.
There is big difference between having problems with a single device and problems inherent with the device. It seems like most people are upset because they run into a problem and just blame Palm for it. A lot of people experience the same problem with other devices, it seems like treo user just shout louder.