Originally Posted by rzawora
I'm pretty sure with the Sprint Touch you will need to do the same steps I listed for the Verizon XV6900. However, instead of using 000000 to get into the menu you will have to do what someone listed above to get the unlock code (MSL)....
If you are on Sprint do this:
copy down your ESN number (with CAPS)
download getspc here http://www.5gmobile.us/mobilefiles/VX6800/GetSPC.zip
run getspc enter your ESN and it will give you your msl (six digit number)
...after this just follow the steps I listed and enter the MSL the program gives you. This should let you in I think.
WOW! worked perfect. I have a Sprint Vogue that I had flashed to Alltel but it was still not allowed on the network, now with this info I was able to change the home SID/NID and the Home MSD - Volia, we are agian a happy Alltel user. Thanks for the info.