02-06-2009, 04:47 AM
Location: Green Bay
Join Date: Feb 2009
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I know i shouldnt be writing you guys/girls, BUT I AM CLUELESS!! So, i have just purchased an 6900 off of ebay, it has Nintendo NES and GBA Emulators on it already, i dont know if that means it is unlocked already, i am guessing so. with that said, is there a way to back those up on my pc? and if so how?
Now, to my real question of hope. Could you please do me up a walkthrough of installing updates from start to finish, i am VERY paranoid that if i do all this by simple threads, that i will Brick my device, i am broke and do not have the money for a new phone.
I would like WM6.1, Opera 9.5 (or what u suggest for a better browser), a GPS system that will work, Messy apps; Yahoo, Msn-Live(which i believe comes with the WM6.1 but i am not sure), and really, anything you (Trusted People) would suggest installing on the device.
I enjoy messing around with new and unfamiliar programs, so really, what you believe are good programs to have on the HTC Touch XV6900 for Verizon, are good enough for me Please help me with this, for like i said, i am highly paranoid to do this myself due to my being layed-off factor.
Thank You SOOOOOOOOOO much for your time, whoever this may be
~Drew a.k.a. Bo0t3r
Last edited by Bo0t3r; 02-06-2009 at 03:28 PM.