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Old 08-01-2007, 01:28 AM
boubert's Avatar
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now this is buggin the crap outta me

MMS and pic mail
i know this thread will either be deleated or locked in 10 minutes but im gonna give it a try anyway here goes nothing

ok maby this is backward thinking? but lets try this! my wife's "pos" pink flip phone gets pic messages just like i used to get with AKU 2.2, so what dose her's have that mine dosent? a .wap .XHTML browser right! so i did a little "goog'in" and found there are a grip of wap browsers out there. so i downloaded "winwap 4.0" for win mobile 2003-5.0-6.0 "" when i tried to open the pic mail page in this browser the page is too large to be rendered (foiled again) but one thing i noticed, it tried to take me to the same page as I.E.??????????????????? so its not the browser (just to double blind it i also tried "opera" and "netfront 3.3") must be the phone then right? or is it the way it connects to the internet? so im going through the old AKU 2.2 and trying to see what the differances might be.

Now as I stated before. this thread will prob be nixed real quick! some how this sub hits a nerve around here, but I'm gonna figure this out and I think I'm lookin in the right direction now. its not the browser its the phone and the way its connected to the internet!! mabey different servers for EVDO and 1X? I would love the help of someone who knows a little more about the EVDO-1X systems and how they work any help will would be great.

we can do this as a community I know we can
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