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Old 02-03-2009, 12:52 PM
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the mogul that went for the swim

Well my mogul went in the water and very salty water at that (epson salt for my foot) it was in for less then 3 seconds I was quick it rebooted under the water I saw it I snatched it out took the batter out as fast as I could and it seemed like it barely got wet. I shook it didnt seem like any water came out. So I put it on my heater for a lil bit and put the battery back in. It booted and looked crazy. So I decided to see if I could load a new rom on it. I did it took it then the touch screen didnt work couldnt get past the calabration. the caps and fn light were always on and the blue light next to the email before you turned it on. So I took out the two screws in the back of the screen I could see and popped it open as much as I could and put it in the toaster oven at 200 degrees lowest it would go. I left the door open lol. 10-15 minutes of toasting I took out my freshly baked phone and placed the battery in it. well no extra lights on so I hit the power button and it calabrated just fine.

****Update**** hour later
I asume the salt is going to kill it but its been plugged in chargeing keeping it nice and warm the down arrow key started working again and the camera is fully functioning and taking pictures. Wish I could swap it out it was given to me by a friend they had it for a month and switched to a touch pro I've had it less then a week So as of now everything works see how long it takes before it bricks

****cupple hours even latter****
Well it works better then it did in the first place lol. Anyone have any guess to when its going to give up remember it was salt water and hot really salty water to

****next day****
turned off wouldnt turn on without the battery being taken out and put back in keyboard was screwy for 30 seconds all seems fine now. seems like alot of calls are going strait to voice mail that might be from a running app not sure. Moral of the story don't drop your phone in a bucket of epson salt water. The phone will soon be up for parts if anyone wants it I'll use it till its dead.

Last edited by Steewped; 02-04-2009 at 04:05 PM. Reason: Update
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