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Old 01-31-2009, 09:19 PM
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Going to replace my screen. HALP!

So I picked up my touch about an hour ago and the screen was done. There is a black bar on the right and a gray bar on the left. If I flex the phone it gets all scrambled. I downloaded MyMobiler so I can use it with the laptop for now, what a life saver program! No insurance so I either get another phone or fix this one. Don't have much money so if I did get one it would wither be a ppc6700 or a blackberry 8703e from eBay.

I began looking into replacement screens and found a couple on eBay...
Option 1: $40, from china, 99.1% positive, pics of tools, offer assistance

Option 2: $48, also china, 99.4% positive

I found a video of the replacement and it looks simple enough. Has anyone else done this successfully, or know anyone who has?