Hi all. First post here. : )
I'm not one for signing on to forums just for help. I try to search for everything first. Asking for help on forums is one of my last resorts.
I've been following a mix of the guides and posts of these threads:
As the title implies, I'm trying to convert the Sprint Touch Diamond over to the Verzion network. We had a roaming add-on with our old Sprint plan, but they've contacted us (I'm on a family plan) and informed us we've been using way too many roaming minutes. They've offered to let us go (no fee) and recommended Verizon as we've been roaming onto their network the most (apprently). Of the four phones we have, two are currently switched over, one is being shipped, and the fourth (my phone) is the only one causing problems.
Now, from the posts I've been reading (linked above, as well as other ones) I've gathered that Verizon has been allowing ESNs from other carriers, but the guy at the Verizon store said he's having troubles entering the ESN. Is this because it's a new account? Any suggestions on what I should do?
Any help is appreciated. : )
(sorry for the long-winded post)
I've discovered I had an old verizon phone laying around (it was given to me a while back). Would it be possible to fix my problem by activating my number with the old phone, and then switching to the Diamond at a later time?