Originally Posted by conflipper
yeah i am not sure about your sms issue thanks for letting me know.
yes i have a 6.5 system right now i am working on it.
i will be more than happy to be a tester for the 6.5, i dont care if something fatally goes wrong with my phone, i'll just use it as a paperweight or somethin and pay the 90 dollars to get a new one, so whenever u get it ready, i'll test it. hot coffee anyone? and loving the newest rom by the way, only problem is with the texting but that has been an issue with any rom for me not just yours, theres so much lag when i open a message and slide the keyboard and so much lag between the time i hit a button on the keyboard and it actually showing up on the screen... oh well.. the whole point in this post was, i would love to be able to test that 6.5