Re: Help with dupplicate contacts/mutiple computers
hey bro use this program to delete the double copied of contacts on ur great cuz i have that issue to when i hard reset...a combo of having my last 3 phones ppc's and cant find the files on my desktop 2 prevent this...but this program will solve this has a secondry program in it called app2date...just delete it cuz its worthless
as far as syncing ur phone to 3 different computers shouldnt be a has a relationship with all 3 seperatly and wont interrupt the other ones...just try naming ur device so when u connect ur phone it knows its that phone thats connected...then u can connect ur wifes or girlsfriends phone to the same computer and it will kno the difference between the 2...
EDIT: i think i read ur question wrong at 1st,,.u want all 3 of ur systems ur laptop desktop etc to have the same info on each other right? hope i read this correctly...well i think ud have to have active sync on all the systems and keep them all up to date as far as what u have added to ur when u make changes sync it to each so they all can update...then when u connest to one oppse to the other there are no changes and it will sync fine...
Last edited by caddieguy02; 01-22-2009 at 06:18 PM.