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Old 01-11-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: Why is everyone leaving the diamond???

Originally Posted by mixxy View Post
lol well the idea here is that the DIAMOND with all those features is called the pro... so i guess u already own it haha
That is funny, but I undertsand the point. I was still in my first 30 days of my Diamond when the Pro came out and I planned on coughing up the extra $50. For me the camera flash would have been the biggest reason followed by the keyboard and expandable memory...However, when I went to Best Buy and played with the sample Pro, I felt like I had gone back 8 years and had my old Motorola Peanut/Shark back (anyone remember those?) - it was sooo bulky I couldn't even imagine putting it in pocket. Folks that have the pro don't seem bothered, so I have wondered if maybe the sample was somewhat deceiving? Dunno, but I'm keeping the Diamond now.

It is sad to see the developers all go pro. But at least they left us Diamond folks with some nice ROMs that we can keep using. Just no more upgrades.
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