Originally Posted by pppebble88
Thanks...I am still messing around with all of this stuff...
1. I noticed today that the flashlight (by holding down the lower volume button) does not work now (since i installed Spb Mobile Shell)...Any ideas?
2. I want to change my bg and have 2 different ones (1 for landscape, and 1 for portrait)...Ideas?
Thanks a lot.
I hav noticed my flashlight not working as well, but if I remember correctly, I think it worked while I had Shell, I think it stopped when I started using the volume tweak included in S2U2. I don't use it, so I never really looked into it......sorry!!
For the backgrounds, I would suggest using imache's skinning app that now includes a background generator.
There is a way of applying your own unique wallpaper to the 'stock' shell also, that method is best described here: