Thread: Verizon XV6900
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Old 01-10-2009, 03:59 AM
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Re: Verizon XV6900

your quite welcome. though im sorry it didnt help. i recently noticed that the link i tried to post i am reletively new to this site, and forums in general, so i dont quite know how some things work. that said, i do hope you have (if you didnt already know how) figured out how to back up. i use sktools myself. but thats a bit off topic.

i myself am not familliar with ringo mobile, so i decided to look it up. if i found the right thing, it appears to be a ringtone app for the windows mobile based phone, which is appropriate, considering the type of problems your having. since i have not personaly used it, i cannot say for sure if that is related to the problem. i will test it later in the day, seeing as how its almost 2 am where i am. i was looking to reflash my phone soon amyway.(i know that its not nessicary to reflash just for that app, but i figured that starting fresh, and maybe going to omj clean to help simulate the problem, if i come across any. it will also help that i too have an xv6900)
for the moment, i would recomend using MP3 TRIMMER. it is a little like ringo, but you make the ringtones. i have had no trouble with this app, and i wish the same for you.

good luck, and i will post back later once i redo my phone.

<ACTIVE> Verizon HTC Touch Pro 2 , 8gb micro SDHC </ACTIVE>