Originally Posted by Phantom27
Ok, so I hate how I get a notification that I have a new text and then it never tells me again. That sucks!!!
I downloaded a program called: Missed Call Reminder (I found it on a forum, I'll try to find a link later).
The program works great actually, except it doesn't vibrate. There are 10 different settings and none of them work. I remember in a different program (Touch Response) I had to set the vibration ID # to 11. I'm wondering if maybe the ID needs to be 11 for Missed Call Reminder, except I can't make it 11!!
Anybody have any ideas? Anybody know a different way to get the phone to keep reminding me that I have a text message every couple of minutes or so?
I thought I had seen a reg edit that would ungrey "Repeat" in the WM Notification settings screen but I couldn't find it.
Help Please.
There is a reg entry like what you wrote about, and I will find it again if you really want, but I tried it and not only didn't it work as we would think, but it really messed up a couple other things resulting in a hard reset!!!
11 is the setting you need for vibrate in that and other apps, I am not sure if you can get the author of yours (is that the one over at XDA?) to work on that for you, if it is the one I am thinking, you probably have a good shot!! I use OS Remind Me (for the life of me I can't remember who/where it was posted for me to try) it works GREAT, is small in memory, and easy to use. All you do is check if you want reminders for SMS, missed calls or both, pick a tone, duration and number of reminders. In activating the vibrate function, you need that '11' in the vibrate box, and then just hit 'Hide'.