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Old 01-09-2009, 08:35 AM
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SPB Mobile Shell + Imarche Skin Generator

For those that are using SPB Mobile Shell with the imarche skins there is a new update that allows you to use your own backgrounds.

Now i have managed to get 1 set of pictures to work but unsure how i did it as every image i create now provides an error when trying to install.

I know the images are correct size 240/400 and saved as .bmp in a 16bit format.

I am using various programmes to get this working (Irfanview, and GIMP). I dont want to pay for image convertor plus and found the trial didnt do what i wanted either.
GIMP is the only 1 i can see that allows me to choose 16bit depth.

Anyone else managed to get this working and provide any helpfull hints ???

I have also tried the other route which requires editing the installed backgrounds via the imarche skins package -

1. Browse to where you have installed the spbmobileshellskins.
2. make a copy of the qp_bkg_now.dat from the folder and place onto PC.
3. if u have not checked the show file extension in ur comp
(go to tools/ folder options /view / and uncheck the hide file extension)
4. Now probably u will get all the extensions so now change the qp_bkg_now.dat to,
5. Open the with Zip or RAR which ever and copy seperator2.bmp use password : b0fm18zq
6. use photoshop for editing the files if u already have a coloured background u do not need to resize the image to 240*400.
7. just edit the seperator2.bmp to what ever image u want (only 240*400) images and flatten the image using photo shop. if u do not flatten it wont work.
8. save as .bmp image and go to advanced save as r5 g6 b5 image.
9. now just drag the edited image into the zip folder and encrypt with the password - b0fm18zq.
10. same applies for landscape ql_bkg_now.dat file and use 400*240 image process is same.

But this doesn't show the image and only a black background.