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Old 01-08-2009, 05:20 PM
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Re: How to Build a ROM so it displays your name

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
I have been unable to use PPCKitchen in the past when I wasn't connectd to the internet, when trying to log in with my user/pass. Maybe this has changed.
changed a long, long time ago. Of course, there could be other issues at play, too.

If I use my own oem base and someone else's ROM and SYS's how do I use them with PPCKitchen? Do I just make a zip file of each of the three packages, and edit the selection txt document. I thought in the past I saw like 5 different elements (drivers, oems, base, rom, sys, etc..) do these need to be put together in a specific way to be reognized and built by PPCKitchen, or can I just do OEM/SYS/ROM like Bepe?
no need to zip anything. Your question doesn't make any sense, however. The ROM, SYS, and OEM folders ARE the base (plus XIP). Ignore how ppck kitchens are released - you don't need anything that complicated. All you need is a .txt file (the project file) that looks something like this:
You'll have to tell it what device and such so it knows how to assemble the files, but you can do that from the drop downs within buildos.

If you're truly lazy, put your bepe environement in c:\program files\\buildos and run buildos (no need to even create a txt file then, though I highly suggest the first appoach).

I have looked briefly at the new Bepe, and it doesn't look that tricky.
It's not so complicated to people who are familiar with kitchens, cmd line environments, .bat files, and have an inkling of text substitution/pattern matching. Wickedly complex to everyone else.
Honestly, I guess I am ignorant, so I use Bepe's old tools because I know how to make things work with them.
Fair enough. You really should update to something better, however. You'll have more time to enjoy life.
There's lots of information about Bepe's old tools, but not so much on PPCKitchen, unless you are referring to your previous tutorial in this post:
straight and to the point, wasn't it Take a look at most of what you read - aside from the put OEM/SYS/ROM here, the rest is all about quirks or applies to all bases regardless of tool used (no reason to restate that stuff).
Oh, and BTW, why don't you sticky Calcu's kitchen thread, but you sticky yours and Tobey's? Calcu's kitchen is quite nice. Oh, that's right -- old Bepe.
Tobey's is stickied? Didn't even know he released his. Isn't Tobey's thread on how to make a kitchen? That's stickied because it is in the form of a tutorial on a subject many are interested in. As a general rule, non-community projects aren't stickied. PPCkitchen's bases are stickied because they are by much of the staff here at ppcgeeks and have a large community involvement in their development. As a result, they happen to be ultra clean, expertly done, nearly stock bases. Perfect for people to use as a starting point, with more optional goodies than you can shake a stick at. Calcu's kitchen may be "nice", but the fact of the matter is that kitchens and roms made by individuals fall into the category of "here today, gone tomorrow" - with "tomorrow" being nearly literal.
Grammar: The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
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