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Old 01-06-2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: :::Best Buy::: Checking Phone's build date before buying/swapping?

Originally Posted by Rento_VW View Post
So.... I just got another Touch Pro from my Best Buy... Only to find the build date is 11/24/08 only 3 days newer than my previous one.

Pretty ticked off... Going to swap it in again tomorrow.

As for swapping, do I have to swap it at the Best Buy I bought it at, or can I bring it into another Best Buy?

Is there a way I can check the build date before all the set-up stuff? This way this will be the LAST time I walk in and swap it.
um, are you swapping just for the sake of getting the newest build... or is there actually something wrong with all these pros you're returning. you shouldn't expect to get a january build if that's what you're thinking... i bought a diamond and pro from best buy in mid december and got build dates from late august and late october. having the latest build doesnt necessarily mean you're going to have the best pro. all my pros and diamond are early builds and they're fine.
The way you say "only to find the build date is 11/24" and "will be the last time i walk in and swap it" just makes it sound like all you care about is the date and you're not actually checking for defects... like having a december date is going to be full proof or something. if that's how you're approaching these exchanges, then i am speechless...

Last edited by orlandojumpoff; 01-06-2009 at 10:37 PM.
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