Originally Posted by shaggylive
well if you find a way let us know... some want to disable the wakeup.. lol anyway
Was That a Joke? good one...
Originally Posted by shaggylive
the 2 apps you mentioned could be the issue. best way to tell is un-install & test.
I really don't want to do that because I use pTravelalarm to wake up every day. This is what the pTravelalarm website says about the wakeup tweak:
Wakeup Idle Timeout is the number of seconds that the system will spend in the resuming state until going back to sleep, unless it is brought to full power. If this value is too small, the unit may go back to sleep before finishing it's startup processes.
The recommended value for the Wakeup Idle Timeout both for when the unit is operating on battery power and when it is connected to AC power is 60 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.
Originally Posted by shaggylive
otherwise I would say lower your slot cycle in epst so the phone is notified sooner and therefore has more time to wake up and "process" the call.
I don't know how to do that, could you walk me through it?