Originally Posted by dream_phyre
What benefit would the hd keyboard have over the standard except for the soft arrow keys? The keyboard takes up more precious viewing area.
What is am/pm hack your talking about... can you point me to the reg key and I will check it out.
I am used to the on screen keyboard since the HTC Touch(I don't use the slide out keyboard that much), and without the arrows from the HD keyboard, I have to pull out my stylus to click the screen where i have to make correction, otherwise to go backward , i'll have to delete the letters to make that correction. just something I find useful for myself.
About the AM/PM Hack
The clock you have set to displayed on all the screen when in not TFLO
example: 12:00
With AM/PM registry hack
example: 12:00 PM
The 3 key strings and Value have to be added into the registry.
Once there, you have to add those 3 String and Value just as i have posted above. They have to be type exactly the way i had it.
Edited: Here is a nice Black Sea Horse wallpaper if you want to use it. looks clean. It goes well with your TFLO theme cause i used it.