MobiPCS is trying to screw me!
I bought a brand new HTC Touch Pro from MobiPCS. When I got home only 1x, no camera working, no GPS - most .exe's in \windows folder failed. So I called them and the tech tells me they can only get it to work on 1x.
So I put Sprint's stock ROM (and stock radio ROM) on it and called Sprint and had it activated on their network. Now on Sprint's network no internet at all. Apparenlty the tech at MobiPCS changed a BUNCH of stuff inside ##DATA and ##778 and foobared my phone. To top it all of Sprint flagged the ESN so no warrenty, no insurance.
After dealing with the problem for over a week now I've gone back to MobiPCS and said I want either a) my money back or b) a new phone that they haven't screwed up.
So I paid $799 for the phone - MobiPCS is telling me that will either give me $580 back or I can pay $200 MORE for another phone!
What kind of bull**** is THAT? They want me to pay more money because they messed up my phone?
Buyers in Hawaii beware - MobiPCS has horrible business practices and do NOT stand behind the products they sell!
Obviously I am going to go back to the damn store AGAIN tonight to try to talk to the owner(he was SUPPOSED to meet me last night at 8pm but left prior to that) - but now I think that guy is avoiding me. Gawwwd what a bunch of *******s. Screw up my phone and then ask me for $200 MORE?? WTF is that?
Now - if anyone has any sugguestions (other than like burn the building down) I'm all ears. At this point all I can think of if they keep trying to screw me is too call the state's consumer protection agency or the FTC. I don't think the Better Biz Bureau actually has the power to make them do anything but I will still lodge a complaint with them too if they don't give me ALL my $ back or a new unit.