Instant Messaging Clients -- all buggy or just me?
I think i've tried every single instant messenger client on the market. Oz Instant Messenger, AIM 2.0, AIM 3.0, IM+, Palringo, Mundu, among others...
I seem to have the same problem with all of them.
while connected to the charger, everything runs alright 90% of the time, but while running on battery, the client will only stay connected for a short time, but after being in standby for a short(ish) period of time, the client disconnects and won't reconnect until the phone comes back from standby.
i don't know if my data is disconnecting while in standby or if it's just the IM client.
does everyone have this issue, and if so, is there anything i can do about it? i'm officially ready to pull my hair out >:O
thanks for any help!