Originally Posted by afx
My question is, should I settle with the 800w for a while till I get out of contract (2 months) and buy a new phone (maybe something better will be out) or should I go father and try to get a pro from SPRINT not insurion?
Im more than a bit pissed about this whole situation. I feel Sprint is way to quick to pawn you off to insurion instead of actually helping you.
My lady had a Treo 800w for a few weeks while we arranged for a TP for her. Like you said, it's a quick little phone with a lot of nice features and a much better speakerphone. The resolution is pretty good on it; if I understood right, you had a Mogul, which has a larger physical screen, but at 320x240 resolution. The 800w screen is smaller in size but 320x320. So the difference might not be as noticeable as you think, if your eyesight is sharp... In fact you'll find you can fit the same size web page easily, with a little more. But it's certainly no match for the TP's gorgeous 640x480.
If you do think you'd like to try taking it up with Sprint ecare, I imagine you could get a discount on a TP -- but not a free one. I've had luck getting up to $200 knocked off, if you're a loyal customer and are willing to resign on an everything plan..
So the question you might be faced with: are 2 months and not having to haggle worth the savings over just buying a new pro at upgrade price? See how good of a deal you can get now, vs. the deal in the near future, and write out some numbers for yourself.
I don't think we'll see much in the way of exciting new products in the next 2 months; I feel like the next releases will come in May or so. So the TP will be the top of the line for a little while.