Originally Posted by afx
Well sprint pawned me off to Insurion to get a touch pro but they are standing firm on not getting me one. So they sent me 3 moguls, all of which had the white dot on the bottom of the screen, the last call I made the lady said she couldn't get me a pro since those are reserved for people who actually have pros and need replacements (understandable).
I got the 800w in today and its a nice phone but I kind of miss my big honkin screen
It is quick as hell.
My question is, should I settle with the 800w for a while till I get out of contract (2 months) and buy a new phone (maybe something better will be out) or should I go father and try to get a pro from SPRINT not insurion?
Im more than a bit pissed about this whole situation. I feel Sprint is way to quick to pawn you off to insurion instead of actually helping you.
I was in a similar situation, and pushed for the pro and got it for little over $30.
Talk them into sending you a new boxed mogul. They did this for me and charged the whole price to my account, then credited it all back but $1. No idea why $1. I think they have to technically sell you the phone to get you a new replacement? When you get the new boxed mogul in your hands, don't open it. Call sprint and talk calmly to retentions and explain your situation. Being very nice got me a long way. Tell them you have a new boxed mogul and you would be more than willing to pay the difference in price for the TP, shipping, and activation fee. I offered this to show I wasn't looking for a complete handout.
Worked like a charm.
Hope that helps.