Originally Posted by Import Junky
I was looking at Picking up the T.P. but from what ive been reading/ hearing/ seeing on Youtube. I'm not so sure anymore. So I was woundering if anyone (the few of you that have the T.P) can say that it is infact better than the VZW xv6800 (titan).
There is no comparison at all. The Titan is week compared to the TP. HEre is my phone progression 6700->6800->6900->6850->6900-6850.
I sent the TP back because it was so locked down. That aside there is no comparison to the 6800 or the 6900.
If you havent used or seen the phone yet you will poop yourself with the screen. Its AMAZING.
Go with the 6850. IM getting one shipped and will be here tommorow.