Slevin - since I use my phone as my main line for business - not only does the clarity of my callers voice matter to me but he clarity of my voice to my callers. I often have calls that last an hour and even when I'm sitting at my desk, not making any extra noise - my callers will have to keep saying can you repeat that, what did you just say? This is just not an option for me. I have friends I talk to all the time and they immediately knew when I got a new phone because they said I sounded like crap - where was I calling from - answer same place I usually call them from. Never had a single complaint when I was on the 6700 and one friend commented that I sounded better when I upgraded to AKU 3.5 (any of the last kitchens)
I don't have many concerns about the 6800 but I can't use my phone for business and use a BT headset if my clients all have to keep saying Hunh? What did you say?