Re: Slide out qwerty phones, or non slide out querty phones?
And I'm also a business/pleasure user when it comes to the keyboard, and I do fire out more texts than I can count. Besides that, I can care less about the bulk. It's all about using my toys to their absolute fullest without even half-stepping, and me and the woman wouldn't settle for anything less than what we expect out of anything so good at all.
And in addition, the Pro has more than what the Diamond can offer besides the keyboard. I am a big boy with a big appetite, so anything with a set limit is called "League Violation Light".
“If you are literally serving shit to American children, or knowingly spinning a wheel where it is not unlikely that you will eventually serve shit – if that’s your business model? Then I got no problems with a jury of your peers wiring your nuts to a car battery and feeding you the accumulated sweepings from the bottom of a monkey cage. In fact, I’ll hold the spoon.” -Ralph Dunlop-
Last edited by blasphemous_prime; 12-01-2008 at 07:38 PM.