Originally Posted by egriffin
Also, none of the cabs I thought I added with OEMizer are in programs. I'm obviously new at this, but I'd like to make it work. Thanks for your help!
Did you see them checked in buildos?
Originally Posted by ivtec20
Next question, why does Sprint TV show up in my programs? I'm choosing no extras, the non-sprint tv streaming media, etc, etc. I tried deleting it from that Sprint folder you gave another copy of earlier, but that caused problems when booting up during customizations... Thanks.
Additionally, I picked carrier config operator for Sprint. I see in the folders for that one, it includes the Sprint TV stuff. That stuff is also in the carrier config extras for sprint folder. So, I'm now trying the config operator for no extras to see how that works.
Sprint TV is in both sprint carrier options, you can just uninstall it or remove it from the oem folders & config_operator files
Originally Posted by kevin813
does anyone know how to fix the opera download page when you download something it does not show the status
I use 2808 now, so I can't try that out, just update to this version and see if it that fixes it, here's a cab
Opera 9.5.2808