Originally Posted by kevdawg
I am getting the following message after trying to run BuildOS and logging in. See jpg attached.
I was getting same exact problem.
So I made the folder "DeviceBases" and put it in "Projects/Groups" and manually downloaded the file here:
To put in there "Apache_WM6.1.txt"..
Then it said it cannot load because "Apache_Core.rar" is not the newer version.
It did not show up on updater untill this mourning , then did not let me upload it, saying what it says for that(something about cannot mabey because in use by another program).
So I manually downloaded it here:
and replaced it "\Program Files\PPCkitchen.org\BuildOS\Kitchens", to finally get kitchen to work.
EDIT: Rom takes up more space than last one. Have to check off less OEMs, checking it out now...