Originally Posted by ptfdmedic
Works perfectly. Thank you very much. The only odd thing is the icons oem. Everytime I cook with this i am always asked to overwrite each of the files in the icon oem. But everything works very well. Thanks so much....
It uses a typical file naming for graphics....001.bmp, 002.bmp...etc...
To ensure you get your graphics, write down the ones that are dups and getting overwritten. Then inside the oem....
1. Rename "001.bmp" to "pi-001.bmp"
2. Change the corresponding lines in the "initflashfiles.txt" for the files you renamed in the first step:
Directory("\Program Files\WebIS\PocketInformant\Icons\"):-File("001.bmp","\Windows\pi-001.bmp")
It's a little time comsuming, but you'll have taken care of those duplicates and you'll ensure you get the graphics for that OEM. And one of the PI icons won't replace a graphic in another program and make it unusable.