Originally Posted by ldtb
I have an Alltel Touch with WM6.1 (official from HTC). My New SMS numbers are currently at 12. There are no new text messages though! I did a search for this in the forum and the only thing I came up with was a hard reset. I was curious if anyone else knows of a fix for this other than that. I don't really want to hard reset my phone if I don't have to.
I have explored HKCU in the registry and can't find any values there that are relevant. A little more history on the problem, some tiems teh value goes down when I check texts, some times it doesn't. For example I just had 27 texts, before receiving all them it had 11 as the number of new, though there were no new texts. After checking my texts, the number only went down to 12. It rises occaisonaly but never goes down. I can't figure it out. I do receive a ton of texts, through a lead generation aspect of my website. About 100 a day, but that shouldn't affect this.
So here is my question, is there a manual way to reset the new SMS count on the HTC home page and on S2U2?
I had this same problem with my HTC Titan after upgrading to 6.1 ROM. Nothing worked except clearing the entire MMS box after which it reset to 0. Even when I opened each message that did not work. It seemed to only happen for me when someone sent me a message from my email to my text address resulting in a multi numbered message.
I do have the MEMaid app but never though to try the hanging notification clear from there. This has not happened at all recently and has never happen on my HTC Touch.