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Old 11-16-2008, 03:55 AM
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HTC Touch (Vogue) Flash has gone horribly wrong.

Running Coke2.3.1 Unlocker
Firmware Version ; 3.09
Radio ; 3.41.00 (reversed from and 3.42.50 with the Bell Firmware)
ROMS - _HTC Touch (TELUS)_RUU_Vogue_4350_TELUS_WWE_3.07.661.1_Radio_ 4350H_3.41.00_Ship_withPPSTPatch1.20_web_new.exe
Dette 2D v2.3 Diamond
Dette's Vogue Clean Telus ROM v2.0.exe

dcd Telus Carrier; dcd Telus Carrier 20081031(2).cab

First time flash so I of course made all the novice mistakes. After flashing the phone half a million times with different firmwares I noticed that I was no longer able to get a signal (EVDO,EV). The only "connection" I could make was with Roaming Digital Service. I know I havn't friend anything as I've been able to establish connections as well as tested the GPS feature. Calling *28230 tells me to call my provider for activation, this phone was already activated before I tried to flash it.

Under Start / Settings / System / Device Information the PRL version is 0000 however using ##778 I can see that the installation of PRL11075 worked as it's displayed in the PRL section of EPST.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why I wouldn't be able to connect with anything but 'Roaming'? I noticed there was no "A-Key" listed however I think that's left blank for Telus phones.

I've been able to successfully reload the TELUS ROM back onto the phone in the event I have to return it however I'd like to know how to fix the error.

As I simply don't know enough about this new interesting pet project I probably didn't offer that one tidbit of useful information which you need. Please let me know if I need to explain anything else.

I took the phone around the city today and noticed that I can in fact get a TELUS signal lock. The problem I seem to be encountering now is that my signal strength is horribly low and not that the Radio is broken (before the flashing I was able to maintain about 3-5 bars). The PRL list I am using is Telus 8085 (from the *22803 update). Is there any tips / tricks on boosting signal strength?

Last edited by TBoomer2; 11-16-2008 at 04:57 PM. Reason: Update