Originally Posted by knives of ice
i'm anxiously awaiting the vga version of HTC Home that allows for customization. i just don't like all the extra taps i need in touch flow 3d. does anyone seriously use that ridiculous note feature to read an email? extra tap there...also i don't like that touching the sms icon automatically shows the last message as if i want anyone that checks out my new phone to read my last message. the way the texts and emails are displayed just seem clunky and worthless to me and thats what i use this phone for the most.
Actually, for short messages it's pretty handy... I like seeing the Sender, Subject, and first few lines to see if it's something I really need to pay attention to (tap and read) or if it's something I can deal with later.
Still, even considering what I said earlier about not seeing why people dislike it, this is what I love about Windows Mobile... don't like how something works? No problem! Just install what you like!