Originally Posted by rstoyguy
Do you know how many sprint associates really don't know what the bootloader says? 99.9% of them...
If he's on a current custom rom, he's not on verizon (no stock rom), and it boots, flash to the latest official release and they will not have a clue. And the link goes to htc, and you can only get the latest official release from that link. Just tell them you were notified of an official release, and you upgraded to it. If you do find the ID-10-T that know's you've got a different bootloader, then take it home and do all those extra steps.
Chances are, if you get that 0.01% person who knows, that person is probably a geek and they'll let it slide anyway... I do...
He's returning a working phone to the Sprint store for credit because he got a touch pro. That means the phone is working, will be sent out to be refurbed and then put back into service. Someone along the line will figure it out and if they want to be a jerk about it, could probably do something about it.
It takes another 5 minutes (if that) to load the .40 SPL before flashing to the official 6.1 ROM.. why NOT do it just for the "insurance" of it?