Well after a night and a day here's the answer to my problems with my TP. It seems there's a programming issue with both diamond and touch pro in the Puerto Rico Sprint Network. This causes these issues: Even when it says EVDO our phones are not connected to the network fully, so you can't surf and even phone calls don't come thru the majority of the times. Since the phone internally keeps trying to connect to the network it causes the battery to drain at a rapid pace and therefore making it very hot. They are working on this issue and was told a patch should be comming out a.s.a.p. I was offered a full refund but I decided to keep my TP and just swap esn's and keep using my mogul 6800 until this is resolved. If you are in the
PR Sprint Network be advised your Diamonds and Touch Pro's will not funcion correctly unless your in a 1X all the time or in roaming.. Hope this gets fixed sooon I really want to use my new phone.